
Conclusions from the Workshop
Agenda of the Workshop
Topic 1: Approaches to the development of methods for the determination of
maximised regional values
Evaluation of notable, extreme and probable maximum areal values of precipitation depth
and precipitation supply in large river basins (G. Malitz)
Spatial and temporal patterns of precipitation fields of extreme events in Switzerland and
concepts for precipitation scenarios (D. Grebner)
Topic 2: Estimation and classification of spatial/temporal patterns of extreme
Spatio-Temporal Structure of Precipitation during Flood Events in the Moselle Basin
(A. Helbig)
InterNied - A geostatistical interpolation procedure for hourly measured precipitation
data (A. Hinterding)
Topic 3: Modelling of extreme precipitation events of long duration (meso-scale
meteorological modelling and stochastic precipitation generators)
How to use meso-meteorological models to predict cases of extreme precipitation
(G. Skoda)
Precipitation scenarios from expanded downscaling (G. Bürger)
Rainfall generator for the Rhine basin: multi-site simulationof daily weather variables by
nearest-neighbour resampling (J.J. Beersma, T. A. Buishand, R. Wójcik)
Topic 4: Temporal trends of precipitation series, especially with regard to
extreme behaviour and spatial development
Observed long-term precipitation trends in Central Europe and some preliminary remarks
on change in extremes (C.-D. Schönwiese)
Evidence of a climate-induced change in maximum streamflow of the Alzette river
(Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg) (L. Pfister, L. Hoffmann)
Topic 5: Application of procedures for the determination of extreme precipitation
events for questions concerning hydrology and water resources
Application of a Water Balance Model for Calculating the Impact of Extreme Rainfall
Events (K.-G. Richter, M. Ebel, K. Ludwig)
The Development of A Stochastic Rainfall Model for UK Flood Modelling
(H.J.E. Rodda)