Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources management in the Rhine basin

Grabs, W.
Date of publication


Document language
Rapport I-16 [12.55 MB]
Table of contents
1 General introduction and objectives
2 Executive summary of principal achievements and results
2.1 Development of a comprehensive GIS‑supported database
2.2 Development and calibration of the regional model and application of the climate change scenarios
2.3 Development and calibration of the catchment models and application of the climate change scenarios
2.4 Principal results of the RHINEFLOW model
2.5 Principal results of the catchment models
2.6 Effects of land use and climate changes
3 Socio‑economic implications of hydrological changes ‑ an overview
4 Summary of policy implications
5 Scientific issues
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Scope of the project
5.3 General model characteristics
5.4 Model requirements for the entire Rhine basin
5.5 Scale issues
5,6 General approach of the study
5.7 Scientific issues for the applied models in the subcatchments
6 Methodological approaches
6.1 General
6.2 Methodological approach for the applied models in the subcatchments
6.3 Water balance model for the entire Rhine basin
7 Project database
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Development of the project database
7.2.1 Data collection strategies
7.2.2 Description of the database
7.3 Databases for the detailed models of the subcatchments
8 Description of the Rhine basin ‑ regional scale and catchment scale
8.1 The Rhine basin ‑ general characteristics
8.2 Selected catchments in the Alps
8.3 Catchments in the middle mountain area
8.4 Lowland area
9 Development and description of the hydrological models
9.1 Summary
9.2 Description of the models
9.2.1 The IRMB model for Murg, Ergolz, Broye
9.2.2 Development of an additional module to IRMB model for mountainous regions ‑ the Landquart basin
9.3 Model development for the Thur catchment
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 The grid based model
9.3.3 The representative hydrological unit area model HBVEVATH
9.4 Development and description of the Saar model
9.5 Development and description of the lowland model for the Vecht
9.5.1 Hydrological component
9.5.2 Flow‑routing component
9.6 Concept of the RHINEFLOW model
10 Climate change scenarios
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Climate change scenarios for the Rhine basin
10.3 Murg, Ergolz and Broye catchments
10.4 Thur catchment
10.5 Saar catchment
10.6 Vecht catchment
11 Detailed description of results
11.1 Results on catchment scale
11.1.1 Murg, Ergolz and Broye catchments Model calibration and validation Climate change impact on hydrology Interpretations of selected scenario results
11.1.2 Thur catchment Model calibration and validation Model runs with climate change scenarios Interpretation of selected scenario results
11.1.3 Sauer and Saar catchments Model calibration and validation Model runs with climate change scenarios Interpretation of selected scenario results
11.1.4 Overijsselsche Vecht catchment Model calibration and validation Model runs with climate change scenarios Interpretation of the selected scenario results
11.2 Results on the regional scale ‑The Rhine basin
11.2.1 Model calibration and validation
11.2.2 Model runs with climate change scenarios
11.23 Interpretation of selected scenario results
12 Synthesis of the model results
13 Land use scenarios in the Rhine basin
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Crop production
13.3 Development of land use change scenarios
13.4 Results
13.5 Implications for hydrology: Overijsselsche Vecht case study
13.6 Conclusions
14 Impacts of hydrological changes in selected sectors and regions
14.1 Inland Navigation on the Rhine river
14.1.1 German part of the Rhine
14.1.2 Inland navigation in the Netherlands
14.2 Hydropower generation in Switzerland
14.3 Water supply
14.4 Water quality ‑ water temperatures in Switzerland
14.5 Floods
14.5.1 Alpine rivers
14.5.2 German part of the Rhine
14.5.3 Floods, safety and flood damage in the lowland part of the Rhine basin
14.6 Winter tourism in the Alpine region
14.7 Case study: impact on the Usselmeer lake
14.8 Case study: water supply and salinity in the Rhine‑Meuse estuary
15 Impacts of Climate Changes and Policy implications
15.1 Context for interpretation
15.1.1 With regard to the climate scenarios
15.1.2 With regard to the models
15.2 Impacts
15.2.1 Impacts identified for the entire Rhine basin
15.2.2 Impacts identified for alpine and pre‑alpine situations in the upper part of the Rhine basin
15.2.3 Impacts identified for the central part of the basin
15.2.4 Impacts identified for the lowland part of the basin
15.3 Policy Directions
15.4 Policy Recommendations
15.4.1 Long‑term planning
15.4.2 Short‑term planning
15.4.3 Policy recommendations with reference to river functions
16 Link of the CHR results to the EU dimension of the project
17 Priorities of future research ‑ Which way to choose?
18 Acknowledgements
Official reports